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Daily Service (Minyan)

Daily Minyan

Morning Minyan offers an opportunity for our members to connect anytime, or in times of need. There are many reasons to come to synagogue. They range from the purely theological (talking to God), ritual (because you are supposed to—it’s a mitzvah!), spiritual (it makes my soul feel better), and social (I like to be part of the HNT community) to maintaining connections to our own departed (I like to talk to my mom once a year). Try it! You’ll like it!

We form a minyan in-person in the Gladstein Chapel, and via Zoom at, with the full traditional service, including an opportunity for people to say Kaddish.

Minyan times are:
7:30 AM Monday – Friday
9:00 AM Sunday and secular holidays: New Year’s Day, MLK Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, the day after Thanksgiving, and Christmas Day
Please note: Regular 7:30 AM start time for Presidents Day, Columbus Day, Juneteenth and Veteran’s Day.


Do a Mitzvah. Make a Minyan. Join the Minyan Mitzvah list.

Do you live within 10 minutes of Herzl-Ner Tamid? Are you available to be at services soon after 7:30 AM on short notice? Once or twice a month the Herzl-Ner Tamid morning minyan falls short of the necessary 10 post B’nai Mitzvah participants it needs to Make a Minyan which allows those in mourning to fulfill the obligation of reciting the Mourner’s Kaddish. If you’re willing to be on a list to receive texts if the minyan does not have the 10 participants it needs by 7:40 AM, please email your name and cell phone number to We will not use the list until we have at least 5 volunteers in order to minimize the impact.


Minyanaires Club

Please join us for the HNT Minyanaires Club. One Sunday a month, the morning Minyan gets a little more interactive and a little more ruach-y (or spirited), and mixes in some English readings, too. Enjoy a light brunch after the service. Eat, schmooze and get to know other Minyanaires! All who attend will be entered in a monthly Minyanaires Club drawing for fabulous prizes.

Sign up here to sponsor or attend Minyanaires Club, sign up on the links above.

For questions about Minyan, please email

Top 10 Excuses Not to Go to Minyan – Debunked!

1)      Someone else will go, so you don’t need me
We need you! This includes teens, business people, moms and grandmas, dads and grandpas! If everyone from HNT showed up just once a month, we’d never have to wonder if we will have enough for a Minyan.

2)      Morning Minyan is three hours long
Minyan is always less than an hour. Monday and Thursday services are a little longer because they include a short Torah service, but we’re still finished in under an hour. On most days services take just 40 minutes.

3)      I’m on the way to the gym in workout clothes
There is no dress code. Minyanaires wear everything from shorts and sandals to workout clothes, or business attire when they are on their way to work.

4)      I don’t know how to put on t’fillin
Not everyone wears t’fillin, and if you want to learn, someone will be happy to show you.

5)      I don’t know anyone there
That’s ok! Everyone is welcome. There is a friendly group of regulars and attending Minyan is a great way to meet other HNT members.

6)      I won’t know the prayers or what page everyone is on
The more you go, the more you know! In the meantime, anyone there will be happy to help you learn the prayers, and page numbers are announced throughout the service. Many of the prayers are even available online in the HNT media database.

7)      Minyan is only for retired men
Although you will find a few retirees, you will also see women and men of all ages, professions and interests. Kids come and participate, too!

8)      Minyan is for people who have to say kaddish
Minyan is for people who want to start their day off doing something positive for themselves and others.

9)      I don’t like Baileys Irish Cream
Our traditional schnapps also include Crown Royale, vodka and grape juice, too. We often celebrate the sweet words of the Torah by having a little nosh as well!

10)   Only very religious people go to Minyan
Minyan is for everyone!

Contact: Aviva – Administrative Assistant