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Description of Funds

Atlas Scholarship Fund
Provides financial rewards for student achievement

Building Fund
Provides funds for capital improvements to HNT buildings

Amy Mackoff Campership Fund
Provides need based funds to assists HNT campers who wish to attend Jewish camps.

Cantor Batchelor’s Discretionary Fund
Supports people in need and specific Jewish programs at Cantor Batchelor’s Discretion

Danny Lewis Library Fund
Provides funds for Danny’s Den, a preschool library, and for purchasing children’s books and educational toys

Director of Education’s Discretionary Fund
Supports people in need and specific Jewish programs at the Director of Education’s Discretion

Endowment Fund
Provides endowment monies for HNT, seed money for new programs at HNT, and need based funds for Israel educational experiences for teens

Executive Director’s Discretionary Fund
Supports people in need and specific Jewish programs at the Executive Director’s Discretion

Nate & Fannie Feinberg Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Flower Fund
Provides funds for flowers for the sanctuary and foyer for special occasions

Frankel Endowment Fund
Provides funds for special needs students to enhance their educational experience

Frankel Library Fund
Provides funds to purchase Jewish reading materials for, as well as improve and maintain, the HNT Library.

Frankel Religious School Fund
Provides funds to assist with expenses of the Frankel Religious School

Frankel Scholarship Fund
Provides funds to assist HNT teachers with continuing education

General Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Pauline Kritzer Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Ben A. Maslan Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Eileen Mintz Memorial Kitchen Fund
Provides funds to support the HNT kitchen

Mitzvah Corps Fund
Provides funds for direct human services

Morning Minyan Fund
Assists with expenses of the HNT Morning Minyan

Pay It Forward Fund: In Honor of Carol Maslan z”l and Nadine Strauss
Supports efforts to mitigate shortages of basic needs among the most vulnerable outside of the HNT community (eligible for matching donations)

Prayer Book Fund
Assists with the purchase of books used for ritual purposes

President’s Fund
Used for specific needs of the congregation that are not specifically covered in the synagogue budget as determined by the President of the Congregation

Rachel Trager Memorial Endowment Fund
Supports educational services for students with special needs

Lois Rosen Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Rabbi Herber’s Discretionary Fund
Supports people in need and specific Jewish programs at Rabbi Herber’s Discretion

Rabbi Rosenbaum’s Discretionary Fund
Supports people in need and specific Jewish programs at Rabbi Rosenbaum’s Discretion

Security Fund
Supports direct security expenses and the general operating budget of HNT

Louie Silverstein Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Julius Skolnick Memorial Fund
Supports the general operating budget of HNT

Wittenberg Waterfront Fund
Provides funds to assist with maintenance of the Lillie & Sam Wittenberg Waterfront Park

Youth Activities Fund
Provides funds to help with expenses of the Youth Program