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Simchat Bat (Baby Namings) & Brit Milah
Simchat Bat (Baby Namings) & Brit Milah

HNT is happy to share in your joyous occasion! Whether it be preparing for your son’s brit, or planning your daughter’s naming ceremony, we are happy to help.


A Brit Milah is usually performed in the family’s home. Rabbi Herber will attend the brit and assist in welcoming your son into our Jewish family. Contact Aviva prior to your baby’s birth so we know about the upcoming new addition to the community. We can recommend a mohel, and help begin arrangements for this important milestone.


The tradition for a daughter’s naming is for the family to come to the synagogue for an aliyah on a day the Torah is read. Some families choose to have the naming at home. Rabbi Herber will assist in personalizing this ceremony for your family. Be sure to contact Aviva prior to your daughter’s birth to begin planning the Simchat Bat.

Bar/Bat Mitzvah
Bar/Bat Mitzvah

You are about to embark on one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in your family’s Jewish life. For students, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah represents a coming of age, an opportunity to recognize potential, develop leadership skills, connect to the larger community and shine in the presence of family and friends. For parents, it is a time of reflection on 13 years of parenthood, and an opportunity to anticipate new adventures in your child’s future.


Team of Support

The day your child accepts adult responsibilities of the Jewish faith is cause for celebration – and much preparation! Our Rabbi, Head of School, B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator and team of teachers take special pride in preparing future Jewish leaders in our synagogue and community. Families work hard to help prepare their child for this lifecycle milestone. Each school year, teachers work diligently to provide a solid foundation in Hebrew, Jewish practices and customs, t’fillah (prayer studies), and preparing for life as a Jewish community member. A group of trained and skilled tutors teach trope (melody) for both Torah and Haftarah readings, reviews the service prayers, and builds a student’s confidence in standing before a congregation. Our Rabbi helps the Bar/Bat Mitzvah understand and prepare a D’var Torah (speech) about the assigned Torah portion (parsha). The entire community celebrates and welcomes your Bar/Bat Mitzvah into our Jewish community!


Overall Process

B’nai Mitzvah dates are assigned during the 5th grade year using a prescribed protocol at a meeting with the Head of School and the B’nai Mitzvah Scheduler. Students must be enrolled in the Frankel Religious School to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah date at HNT. Boys must be at least 13 and girls at least 12 on the day of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Family participation in services, synagogue events, and Frankel Religious School are a part of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah child’s overall learning process. Families have a variety of opportunities to be a part of the HNT events, classes and programs held within the synagogue and school.


Details on the B’nai Mitzvah timeline and additional protocols are included in the B’nai Mitzvah Handbook that is available to each family.


In his book, Becoming a Jew, Rabbi Maurice Lamm states that the difference between Jews by birth and Jews by choice is a matter of time. Jews by birth embraced the covenant centuries ago at Mt. Sinai, and Jews by choice did so – by comparison – just yesterday. God gave the Torah to the Israelites standing at the foot of Mt. Sinai, and God’s voice continues to resonate throughout the millennia to be heard by those seeking the way of the Torah.


Jews by choice are a vital part of our HNT community. Converts participate fully in all aspects of our Jewish culture, religious life, and our leadership. From leading Shabbat services to heading various committees, and serving on the Board of Directors, our converts strengthen our community.


If you are interested in becoming Jewish, please contact Aviva to schedule an appointment with Rabbi Herber to discuss your personal journey. We offer both introduction to Judaism and Hebrew language classes beginning shortly after the High Holidays and running through to the spring. Classes normally meet once a week, with individual sessions scheduled once every 2 months with the Rabbi to answer any concerns or questions you have along the way. Check out the Year-Round Adult Education page and calendar to view details and signs up for these classes.


HNT is a lovely setting for your special day! Our beautifully-crafted stained glass windows are the perfect accompaniment to late afternoon and evening weddings. Our waterfront property and private meditation garden also offer a tranquil and natural setting for family portraits and photography sessions.


Your guests can enjoy a variety of settings for the traditional moments of a Jewish wedding, whether it be a small, medium, or large private room, or outdoor venue. The front courtyard is perfect for the marriage contract (ketubah) signing and veiling ceremony (bedeken). Host your bride and groom receptions in our Youth Lounge or Skolnick Board Room. Use the upstairs study for a private moment with your new spouse (yichud) after the wedding. For information on hosting a wedding at HNT, contact Melanie


Wherever you decide to host your wedding, please contact Aviva to set an appointment to speak with Rabbi Herber about setting a date for your special day.


Rabbi also offers 3 premarital meetings that will help you in transitioning into your new life as a Jewish family, giving you the tools for the art of compromise and conflict resolution, as well as maintaining a meaningful and welcoming Jewish family – with or without the addition of children.

Interfaith Households
Interfaith Households

Our interfaith families are encouraged to participate in all of the family milestones celebrated at HNT. At baby namings, B’nai Mitzvah and weddings, interfaith parents and family members may participate by offering words of encouragement and blessing as well as other meaningful ways to support family members.

Contact: Aviva – Administrative Assistant