You are about to embark on one of the most exciting and rewarding experiences in your family’s Jewish life. For students, the Bar/Bat Mitzvah represents a coming of age, an opportunity to recognize potential, develop leadership skills, connect to the larger community and shine in the presence of family and friends. For parents, it is a time of reflection on 13 years of parenthood, and an opportunity to anticipate new adventures in your child’s future.
Team of Support
The day your child accepts adult responsibilities of the Jewish faith is cause for celebration – and much preparation! Our Rabbi, Head of School, B’nai Mitzvah Coordinator and team of teachers take special pride in preparing future Jewish leaders in our synagogue and community. Families work hard to help prepare their child for this lifecycle milestone. Each school year, teachers work diligently to provide a solid foundation in Hebrew, Jewish practices and customs, t’fillah (prayer studies), and preparing for life as a Jewish community member. A group of trained and skilled tutors teach trope (melody) for both Torah and Haftarah readings, reviews the service prayers, and builds a student’s confidence in standing before a congregation. Our Rabbi helps the Bar/Bat Mitzvah understand and prepare a D’var Torah (speech) about the assigned Torah portion (parsha). The entire community celebrates and welcomes your Bar/Bat Mitzvah into our Jewish community!
Overall Process
B’nai Mitzvah dates are assigned during the 5th grade year using a prescribed protocol at a meeting with the Head of School and the B’nai Mitzvah Scheduler. Students must be enrolled in the Frankel Religious School to have a Bar or Bat Mitzvah date at HNT. Boys must be at least 13 and girls at least 12 on the day of their Bar/Bat Mitzvah. Family participation in services, synagogue events, and Frankel Religious School are a part of the Bar/Bat Mitzvah child’s overall learning process. Families have a variety of opportunities to be a part of the HNT events, classes and programs held within the synagogue and school.
Details on the B’nai Mitzvah timeline and additional protocols are included in the B’nai Mitzvah Handbook that is available to each family.