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Other Holidays


Celebrating this harvest festival is a mitzvah best experienced with the whole body, through services, festive meals, and shaking the lulav and etrog in the synagogue’s sukkah (temporary shelter).


Simchat Torah

This raucous celebration of the Torah features dancing, parades, singing, and fun for all ages. Be part of the experience by carrying a Torah, dancing the hora or the kazatzky, clapping along, marching in a hakafa, waving a flag, singing Hoshia’na and having a nosh or drink prepared by HNT’s most skilled bartenders.



For this family favorite celebration, we come together for one hour to light candles, sing Chanukah songs, and share a meal complete with sweet sufganiot (jelly doughnuts).



Get wild and crazy at the best Purim Shpiel in town! Our smokin’ band and no-holds-barred cast of actors and singers always perform the most hilarious Purim parody you’ll ever see. Past themes have included: The Muppets Take Shushan, eSTAR WARS, From Shushan With Love (James Bond), Mad Mensch, and I Want to Hold Your Yad (the Beatles).



Every year it takes a lot of time and effort to get ready for this holiday. For a helpful checklist to help prepare your house and your Seder, contact the main office at


Lag B’Omer

HNT’s annual bonfire features lots of fun maccabia picnic games for kids and adults, a hearty BBQ meal, and marshmallow roasting.



Enjoy a tasty Shavuot meal and desserts while joining our clergy, teachers, and fellow congregants for an evening of interactive, stimulating and thought-provoking Torah text study.
